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Happy New Year - Pick A Card

Writer's picture: Jane MatthewsJane Matthews


The New year is upon us, many of us have begun our Rauhnachte reads as a way to connect to the spirits and gain insight into what we need to let go of, learn, accept and embrace within our lives to move us forward throughout the year. This month’s pick a read is using The Fairies Oracle by Brian Froud and what better way than to ask the elemental spirits around to direct us for January and into 2023 with gusto!

Relax and allow your eyes to be drawn to one of the three cards shown, then scroll down and see what January has in store for you.




Card one is Himself - This card has appeared to remind you of the great potential this month and the power to be able to make dreams a reality with hard work and for the good of all around. You could be feeling really protective over people within your life as well as looking at the responsibilities you have and the ways in which you show your commitment in relationships around you. You will find this month that you feel really balanced, energised and full of creative energy. If you are feeling drawn this month to take on more responsibility in work or within the home, seize upon that and approach in a way which understands the balance that will be needed especially with regards to any disputes that may have already occurred or that will occur when you begin to get going. This balance is going to be especially important as you feel motivated to make big steps - just remember that whatever you pour your energy into this month will become enhanced, so keep thoughts and actions in line with what you want to happen, have integrity and above all else know that you are capable this month of achieving amazing things!


Card two is O! That Gnome - For those that chose card two, this month is about being able to discern the truth and break down the constructs or behaviours which have been holding you down. You may find this month that you feel as though everything is chaotic and not working how you have intended. You may need to look at things from a different perspective in order to gain clarity and insight. You may also learn some things about yourself in the process which you may not have discovered otherwise. It is time this month to connect you with you again, discover who you are and what you are wanting. Try not to resort to old habits this month, especially if it is anything in excess - you won't be able to fool yourself or others in regards to those patterns that don’t serve you well. There are opportunities this month to have breakthroughs - remember change is rarely comfortable but sit within that for a while and there will be unexpected opportunities come from that.


Card three is She of the Cruach - For those who have chosen the third card, this month you are invited to nurture yourself and others around you. Harness compassion this month especially with regards to others but also pay yourself that same respect. You may be wanting to let go of old emotions that resurface and bring you down this month. This is where the starting point of any healing and self love begins. Allow yourself to be loved by others and be drawn to what fulfils you. It is an ideal time for anyone who is actively looking to conceive and for those who aren’t wanting that it is still perfect this month to nurture, grow and birth creative ideas as well as acceptance. You are invited to look within and see what aspects of yourself would flourish if they were nurtured just a little bit more than they are right now. This will bring you into the energy of being able to manifest with ease if you can accept and allow yourself the time for this during the month of January - remember, all love starts with acceptance, of self and others.

If you would like a more indepth look at your month ahead, personalised for you then book a private reading


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