La Vera Sibilla a 52 card deck is growing in popularity today
La Vera Sibilla a very popular in Italy today. It is second only to Tarot. You can find the Sibilla sold in any tobacconist’s or drug store on the piazza. The popularity of Sibilla may be due to its reputation as a chatty gossip. The deck is nicknamed “Chiaccherine” in Italian, which means “chatterbox.”
Join J David Arcuri and learn La Vera Sibilla today!

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Why Study La Vera Sibilla?
La Vera Sibilla was derived from the Austrian Gypsy Card tradition. At the turn of the 20th Century, Austria and Hungary were united in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The empire included part of northern Italy. It is believed that La Vera Sibilla originated from this region of Italy, which was influenced by the Gypsy Card tradition. The original 36 cards of the Gypsy deck were expanded to 52 cards, and the symbols were applied to the playing card meanings that were popular in northern Italy at the time. The result is a beautiful and dynamic fortune-telling deck.

La Vera Sibilla a very popular in Italy today. It is second only to Tarot. You can find the Sibilla sold in any tobacconist’s or drug store on the piazza. The popularity of Sibilla may be due to its reputation as a chatty gossip. The deck is nicknamed “Chiaccherine” in Italian, which means “chatterbox.”

One day in my daily cards, the Sibilla spilled the tea on something my brother was hiding from the rest of the family regarding his health. The cards I drew that day were L’Amante (the Male Lover) who represent a male friend or family member, Ammalato (the Sick Man) and Morte (Death). These cards suggested that a male family member was facing a serious health condition. My brother was always evasive about the results of his doctor visits. Based on these cards, I cajoled my brother into admitting that due to kidney disease, he was about to start dialysis. Knowing this fact allowed me to help and support him during his treatments. Who knows how long it would have taken for me to discover this serious health condition if La Vera Sibilla had not tipped me off?
When you learn to read La Vera Sibilla, you gain a trusted and dependable friend that will keep you informed of the bumps in the road ahead, and help guide you toward creating a successful future!