WLA Nyack Calendar - June
Calendar for June 2017

Lenormand, The Grand Tableau
Saturday, June 10th 2017 5:00pm - 9:00pm Cost $50.00 Join Hugh for a class devoted to learning the basics of how to read a Grand Tableau using the Lenormand Card system. Informative, fun and perhaps a little bit thought provoking as to how you will use this to empower and enhance your life. Topics to be covered will include; * Using the Grand Tableau for Past, Present and Future reads all at one time * The Method of using the Houses found in a Grand Tableau * Knighting and Mirroring * and…. much more You will need to bring a Lenormand Deck, Notebook and Pen/Pencil to be able to participate. This is a four hour hands on and interactive class. It is suggested you pack a snack or a brown bag type of meal as we are working straight through with only one very short break planned. This class is for anyone who has some basic comfort with Lenormand, you don’t need to be a pro to take this course - Lenormand has a way of making you “a pro as you go” so to speak and this is, in my opinion, what the deck was built to do so best get started as soon as you can. Class size will be limited to 6 persons - call or email right away to make sure you do not miss your opportunity to attend this class!
Lenormand Study Salon Sunday June 11th,^ 10:00-11:00AM $25.00 Offered at Spellbound of Nyack the popular divination venue of Europe is finally gaining ground here in the USA. This is an interactive group and all should have with them a Lenormand Deck, pen or pencil and notebook/journal. Decks are available for sale if you do not have one. Each month we will gather to further our understanding and depth of practice with this amazing tool. Make sure to reserve your space in this group as size is limited!
Reiki Share Evening Wednesday, June 14th, 7:00-9:00PM $20.00 Looking for a time and place to practice and hone your Reiki skills while being in the company of other Reiki Practitioners? This is your chance! Whether you are a Level 1, 2 or Reiki Master, all are welcome to join in on this evening of healing and learning. Take the time to add more experience and depth to your Reiki practice by attending. This group is kept very small, 6 people at maximum so call quickly to reserve your space.
Gypsy Card Study Group
Thursday, June 15th 7:00-9:00PM $25.00 This time every month is spent in honing our skills with the Gypsy Cards. This class is open ONLY to those who have attended the Basic Gypsy Card Class, it will be offered again in July if you missed it previously.
Tarot Study Group Wednesday, June 21st, 7:00-9:00PM $25.00 No matter what your skill or comfort level All are welcome to join in our Monthly Tarot Study Group. Each month we gather to further our understanding of the Tarot and of course read for each other. A Tarot Deck is required and a Journal or Notebook is highly suggested. Call ahead to reserve space, seating is limited, 845-659-4888 or call with any questions you may have. This month we will be working with the Suit of Pentacles as our emphasis.
Lenormand Divination System – The Beginners Course Thursday, June 22nd , 7:00-8:30PM $35.00 Spend a fun and information packed evening learning the Lenormand Card Reading System basics. This simple 36-card Oracle system is being embraced for its direct way of giving you information, with just what you learn in one class you will be amazed at what you can do. You need to have a Lenormand Deck as well pen and notebook, handouts will be provided. If you do not have a deck please plan on attending early to purchase one, cost not included in course fee. Cost is $35 per person, seating is limited. All reservations and questions directly to: spellboundofnyack@hotmail.com or call the shoppe at 845-659-4888. www.worldlenormandassociation.com
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