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To journal or not to journal?

If you have been around in the divination world for a bit, I bet my left hand that you’ve been advised to journal as a way of getting further ahead in your development or as a way to help incorporate new information into your practice.

If you’re anything like me, though, it is possible that you lack the consistency that journaling requires. Fortunately, there are alternatives that you can use to track your progress! But first, let’s go a bit more in-depth into the pros and cons of journaling.

What can journaling do for you?

  • It’s a useful tool to keep track of your readings and interpretations so you can check your accuracy.

  • Good to identify how the cards speak to you personally.

  • Helps you correlate concrete situations with cards, aiding you in the creation of a language within the language of the cards.

On the other hand, it can be rather time-consuming, as well as difficult to stick to! If you’re keeping your journals in a physical format you’re likely to misplace it just when you want it (Okay, maybe I’m just thinking about myself too much now!) and you’re not always going to stop after each spread to take notes. What’s my take then? Journaling yay, or journaling nay?

Like any other tool, my recommendation is that you make it serve you, not the other way around.

I’ve never ever consistently journaled and it hasn’t prevented me from growing as a reader, however, on occasion, it can be very interesting to keep track of certain readings, especially when you’re trying out new techniques, or when you’re learning a new system.

There are many other alternatives to journaling that can be easier and more enticing to you. At the end of the day, sharing your readings in our Members Group is a way to keep track of your readings! Have you ever tried our Buddy

Reads? That’s another excellent way of checking on your accuracy, receive feedback and have the opportunity to contrast the cards with what actually happened.

As an alternative option, you can always take a quick picture of the spread and write down the core of your interpretation if you don’t want to put a lot of thought into it.

Or you can download this pretty template that I’ve created for you, to quickly draft your spread, write down the main points and your core conclusion and enjoy the shiny colours while you feel great about yourself because there’s something about stationery that just has that effect on us. Right?

On a final note, our Endorsement process is the ultimate tool to keep track of your progress! You will not only be mentored every step of the way by teachers that are proficient in their systems, but you will always have access to your reading records containing your spreads, interpretations and the feedback of your querent and teacher! Have you ever tried journaling? Is it a yay or a nay for you? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments or in our Facebook groups!


This post has been authored and brought to you by Maria Alviz Hernando, WDA Tarot Teacher, and Blog Coordinator.

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