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Pick A Card - Reading for April!

We are into the month of April and ready for what Spring brings, using the Ostara Tarot (RedFeather Publishing) we walk you through what to expect! Take a moment to look at the cards below and see which you are drawn to, will card 1, 2 or 3 provide you with your month ahead? Your reading is below!

Have you chosen a card? If you struggled to choose one, don't worry! You will get the read you need if you just pick a number between 1 and 3 and scroll down - there is no right or wrong! While you're choosing you can always pop over to Amazon and bag yourself the Ostara Deck too! Don't forget if you do, to tag us in on social media @worlddivinationassoc - find out more about your reader at the bottom of the blog!

Are you ready to know the month ahead? Quite prepared for the advice to sink in and activate your best month possible? Then buckle up .... and read on ....



Card 1

For those who have chosen card one for this month, you could be feeling more confident in yourself and really have a lot of strength in pushing forward to get things completed that you may have been finding difficult in the past. You could be having a glow up and find that people are drawn to you due to the confidence that you are displaying throughout the month. You could be getting more opportunities coming towards you and you may well be feeling very focused on getting things completed to enable change to occur within your life. If you have been noticing of late that there have been obstacles that have been preventing you in getting things done then this month you are really going to be able to overcome anything that has been potentially blocking you in the past. This could also include blocks that you have been placing on yourself with doubting your abilities or knowledge around certain things. Paths are going to become more clear and doors may well open this month if you can harness your determination and really apply yourself to getting what you are needing done. You may well find that others around you may want to be giving you a helping hand to get things achieved and this will really show you the importance of relationships that you have within your life. There is the potential for you to really have new beginnings in many areas of your life this month and you could be coming up with thoughts on how to really be making a difference to things around you. By looking at what you love, you will find those sparks of creativity flow into you far easier and you can then really take some significant steps forward throughout the month.


Card 2

You could be looking at things in a really logical way this month and trying to prevent your emotions from influencing any decisions that you need to make. You may find that there is a need to be speaking your truth but it does need to be done with integrity. There is the potential for things to be ending this month. This could be a change of job for example but it could also be the end of relationships with some people within your life. This could be friends, family, partners. It will differ for all. You could be at times harsh with the way you communicate and you may need to be showing more compassion towards others around you, this will help lessen any conflicts that could be presenting themselves throughout the month. It is important to look at what is making you happy and what is no longer fulfilling to you, this will aid in any decisions that you are needing to be making this month especially if it is related to work. You may have some disappointments in the month also, this could be that you may not be feeling like you are valued enough by others and this could make you want to assert yourself and challenge the ones who you feel are the cause of this. This in itself is really going to enhance the feelings of you wanting to make permanent changes and walk towards situations or people who you will feel will enhance your life rather than detract from it in any way shape or form.


Card 3

For those who chose card three you may find yourself connecting to family or even old friends that you may not have spoken to in quite some time. The focusing on the relationships with those who are closest to you is really going to give you stability throughout the month and will also really assist you in creating more of a balance within your life if you have been struggling of late. You could find yourself receiving a lot of support from others around you and this is going to really aid you in taking steps forward and this could even be in the form of financial support for some. There is a heavy emphasis on recognising how others bring positive aspects in your life this month, this could be supporting your work endeavours, giving you opportunities or being there to help out in any way when you find that you have too much on your plate in general. You could also be having others recognising you for what you bring into their life and how you really are a light to them. For some with regards to work, you may be gaining some recognition on the projects or efforts that you have been putting in and there could be potential for growth be it a pay rise or promotion. Your efforts this month could really be paying off not just with you but also with those closest to you.


Do you want an in depth mediumship read, really scrutinise the coming 12 months of your life, or just get help on your spiritual journey? Book a reading with Jane today and gain control of your future.


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