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Top Tips - 3 Keys to Consistent Learning

I don't think I would be speaking out of turn to say that the WDA Free Summer conference went down an absolute storm. The wealth of knowledge was just astounding and all given freely with love. I'm a bit scared that I may have found myself a few new divination techniques to obsess over. Bone reading and tea leaves guys, that really appeals to my inner swamp witch. It's the future I tell you!

If you missed it though, you might be feeling a little at a loose end with many summer conferences still not up and running. Life slows to a crawl during August, the entire world seems to be on Vacation, or so it seems; well at the WDA we are still scheduling some excellent classes and short courses. Learning a system well means staying consistently engaged regardless of the time of year, so why wouldn't we want you keep learning.


  1. Start small, think how many times have you set yourself a resolution to get up and do an hours exercise, 30 minutes meditation and an hours study and all whilst wrangling with the family and getting yourself ready for work. If you're lucky it lasts a week, then you are filled with guilt for not achieving your goals. Here's a tip that none of the experts want to tell you. Keep it small and keep it simple. Pick a card/rune/ogham and put it in your pocket. Don't worry about the journalling and all that jazz to start with, just slip it in your pocket and see how it manifests in your day. Without a shadow of a doubt it won't take long before you're itching to reach for the book because the connections have been so powerful. When you're passionate and curious, that's when the learning magic happens.

  2. Don't doubt yourself. Tip number two that the experts don't want to tell you. WE ALL suffer from imposter syndrome from time to time. Even readers who have been reading decades will have days when they pull a card and pull a blank, it happens, don't feel bad, it doesn't mean you are a lost cause just take note and move on. When you are feeling in the right frame of mind you can work through that card and the blockage. Its guaranteed when you've done that you have a deeper understanding of the meaning of that card.

  3. Join a class or a study group that holds regular sessions, like the Tarot 360 group run by the WDA. Having a date and a time can really help us show up and be present, to focus on what it is we are trying to achieve. Studying with others is also a game changer, everyone has their own unique viewpoint and everyone has something to bring to the table. Tip number three when you talk to people who have been reading a long time and they will tell you that some of the most amazing breakthroughs they've made in thier on continued development have been from interactions with new people, and often people new to their system. The Zen Buddhists call this 'beginners mind', where you are open, eager and nobody has yet told you that things are impossible, so you just do them.

Just remember consistent learning is the key to system mastery, with just these few key practises you will be flying before you know it. If that has inspired you this Month we have the following events that will help you achieve your goal:

2nd, 11th, 18th, 25th of August - Tarot 360

5th of August - Finding Structure in Narrative Readings

18th of August - Kipper Cards - Health Reads

18th of August - Kipper Cards - Work Reads

23rd of August - Romance & Tarot

Want to join in the fun just click here and sign up!


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