Rana George Lenormand - Sneak Peaks!
The Lenormand world is eagerly awaiting the Rana George Lenormand, this exciting and sexy face-lifted Lenormand coming soon via US Games Inc (www.usgamesinc.com) is going to stand out as a game changer for so many readers, here at the WLA we are lucky to be able to share not one, but two sneak peak cards: 19. Tower + 20. Garden The important info: Deck Creator: Rana George Deck Name: Rana George Lenormand Artwork by: Callie French Publisher: US Games (www.usgamesinc.com) ****Coming Soon!!****
Rana George: “It is like looking through time to an era long gone, Lebanon at the turn of the last century through the Ottoman Empire and the French mandate à la 1001 Nights mood.”
I can hear you all grabbing your credit cards in anticipation, however, we have to wait a little while longer! While we are waiting lets meditate a while on the 19. Tower card.

Translated from the early Lenormand Decks:"19 Tower, signifies a long and happy old age, but with clouds nearby, it forewarns of illness" Traditionally linked with longevity it can also signify an isolation amongst other keywords, the Tower card in the Rana George Lenormand proudly displays the the Lighthouse in Beirut, built in the 1850’s, sticking to the theme of the deck and at the same time widening our view of the world.

Our second sneak peak is the 20. Garden card. In the early instructions "20. Garden or Forest, signifies getting together with respected company, very near it shows an intimate friendship, removed, this is a sign of false friends." What we wouldn’t give for a few moments in that Garden, soaking up the glorious surroundings and listening to the fountains splash whilst we basque in the infinite blue skies and what better way to enjoy it than in the company of friends - we are after all social beings and the Garden in the Lenormand Deck is the Garden in which we socialise, our world socially in a nutshell.
The anticipation of the next 34 cards is overwhelming and I for one am not sure which one I anticipate the most!? It is no secret to those that know me that the 35. Anchor Card is my favourite card in the Lenormand Deck so naturally I will be eager to see this as soon as possible .........Which card do you most look forward to seeing?
Stay tuned for more card reveals and in the meantime read our exclusive Rana George Interview here:
Rana George: Rana George is the author of the Best Seller and the highly acclaimed “The Essential Lenormand: Your Guide to Precise & Practical Fortunetelling” A respected presence in the modern divination community, Rana leads regular workshops and study groups. For close to 30 years, Rana has been a psychic, counselor, mentor, teacher, medium, and is always a lifelong student. Lead classes/workshop and presentations at the San Francisco BATS 2013, 2014, 2015, NewYork Readers Studio, and was a main presenter at Dallas TarotCon 2012, 2013 and 2014. She has consulted on the design of several Lenormand decks, and published several articles on cartomancy. Rana just finished working on her new deck The Rana George Lenormand soon to be published and released by U.S.Games Rana on: Instagram Facebook and SnapChat

www.ranageorge.com Instagram @ranageorge1 SnapChat ranageorge1
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